FREE TALK on Banned Books @ UU Cocoa

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Brevard 1261 N Range Rd., Cocoa, FL, United States

Adam Byrn Tritt is a writer, a social activist, and, according to some, a mensch. He's a veteran secondary school and college-level teacher of literature and composition, currently teaching advanced […]


Book Distribution Event @ Space Coast Pride Festival

Historic Downtown Melbourne Melbourne, FL, United States

Students aged 15 or under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students 16–18 must show ID. Limit two books per student.


Banned Book Distribution and Library Dedication at Another Mother Puckers – North Brevard

Banned Book Distribution and Library Dedication at Another Mother Puckers Banned and challenged book distribution and we will dedicate our second Banned Book Library. This time in North Brevard! Join us for banned and challenged books. Two books for each child/student. 15 and under with a parent of guardian, please. Id for kids 16 and […]

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